Foundations and Advanced Programs: Distinct and Complimentary
The Foundations of Quality Improvement and the Advanced Learning Programs (ALP) curricula are carefully aligned with a common language and approach to quality improvement in patient care. Both programs offer a rich combination of theoretical and applied, interdisciplinary, peer-to-peer and team-based learning.
These programs are distinct, yet highly complementary of each other.
Both programs are well suited to clinical (physicians, nurses, other healthcare disciplines) and administrative health professionals (managers, directors and senior leaders).
Which program a participant is best suited for is highly dependent on their level of quality improvement knowledge.
The Foundations of Quality Improvement Program is designed and delivered as a standalone learning opportunity for those who consider themselves novice to quality improvement or in need of a refresh.
While participation in the Foundations program is not required for admission to the Advanced Learning program, successful completion of the Foundations program or a demonstrated level of understanding of quality improvement is required for admission into the Advanced Learning Program.
The Advanced Learning Program is designed for participants ready to apply their knowledge to an applied learning project in the health system while enrolled in the program.